I'm sending a link to a landing page to a number of different companies and need to be able to tell Google Analytics which company is viewing the page and when. I of course have my original link to the page tagged with UTM parameters accordingly, but I also need to build in a safety net in case someone passes the link around and removes that code.

The URL for the landing page looks like this:


The company_name part is not an actual directory on the server but part of a query string that I'm rewriting into the URI, so I don't believe I will be able to filter on that in Google Analytics. The company_name part will change depending on who I send it to.

So, I need to be able to add some sort of tag or flag in my GA code to tell GA which company is viewing the page.

How might I do that? What are my options?


1 Answer 1


Something like this should do the trick:

      1,                   // This custom var is set to slot #1.  Required parameter.
      'Company',     // The name acts as a kind of category for the user activity.  Required parameter.
      $_GET['company_name'],               // This value of the custom variable.  Required parameter.
      2                    // Sets the scope to session-level.  Optional parameter.

That must be called before you call _trackPageview(). You can read more about custom variables here: https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/gajs/gaTrackingCustomVariables

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