I'm moving a site from static to Wordpress where all the pages in the old site were XXX.html. This has gone ok as I included a Wordpress plugin to handle the renaming of pages/posts to .html. I was wondering what I should do with pages that I don't plan to migrate. For example I combined their old location and contact pages into one page in Wordpress. I'd like to redirect the old location page to the new page on Wordpress. Is there a plugin for that? I wasn't able to find something or I was searching the wrong way. I read others suggest using 301 redirects, is that the best way? Thanks!


1 Answer 1


Yes, using 301 redirect statement in .htaccess file is the best way (on Linux hosts).

Add the below statement in the .htaccess file in your WordPress installation's root folder.

Redirect 301 /location.html http://www.yourdomain.com/contact.html

Replace these names with actual names from your site:

BTW, you don't need a plugin to handle the renaming of pages/posts to .html. You can set this up by setting the -
Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks > Custom Structure

I wouldn't recommend using a plugin for these simple requirements.

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