I have the following two domains:



Both point to same folder which is public_html. What I want is a different robots.txt file for each domain. So when someone browse example.com/robots.txt then a different file is shown. And when someone go to test.example.com/robots.txt then a different file is shown.

How can I do this using URL rewriting in .htaccess?

2 Answers 2


Remeber that no one from Internet can see your directory tree, so stackoverflow.com/ and test.stackoverflow.com are completely diffrent sites for us and search robots.

You can do that by checking the HTTP host in query:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^test
RewriteRule robots.txt someotherrobots.txt
  • The example directive as posted would result in an internal rewrite-loop (500 error), since the rewritten URL someotherrobots.txt also matches the RewriteRule pattern (regex) robots.txt. You need to make the pattern more restrictive, perhaps with the use of anchors. For example: RewriteRule ^robots\.txt$ someotherrobots.txt.
    – MrWhite
    Feb 19, 2021 at 19:00

Expanding on the earlier answer, you could use a single mod_rewrite rule to handle different robots.txt files for any number of subdomains.

For example:

RewriteEngine On

# Rewrite "robots.txt" to "robots-<subdomain>".txt
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?!www)([a-z]+)\.example\.com
RewriteRule ^robots\.txt$ robots-%1.txt [L]

Any request for <subdomain>.example.com/robots.txt (except the www subdomain, as stated using the negative lookahead (?!www)) would be served by the corresponding /robots-<subdomain>.txt file. The www subdomain and the domain apex (ie. example.com) would be served by the default robots.txt file.

You could take this a step further and have the subdomain's robots-<subdomain>.txt file served "if it exists" and fallback to the default robots.txt file if it doesn't, by adding a filesystem check.

For example:

# Rewrite "robots.txt" to "robots-<subdomain>".txt if it exists
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?!www)([a-z]+)\.example\.com
RewriteCond %{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/robots-%1.txt -f
RewriteRule ^robots\.txt$ robots-%1.txt [L]

Prevent direct access to robots-<subdomain>.txt

To prevent direct access to the /robots-<subdomain>.txt file you can add an external redirect before the above rewrite. For example:

# Redirect direct requests to "robots-<subdomain>.txt" to "robots.txt" on <subdomain>
RewriteRule ^robots-([a-z]+)\.txt$ https://$1.example.com/robots.txt [R=301,L]

The above would redirect a direct request for /robots-<subdomain>.txt (regardless of the hostname being requested) to https://<subdomain>.example.com/robots.txt. The check against the REDIRECT_STATUS env var ensures that only direct requests are redirected and not internally rewritten requests to /robots-<subdomain>.txt. Note that this uses the filename to determine the correct subdomain. eg. https://foo.example.com/robots-bar.txt would redirect to https://bar.example.com/robots.txt - changing the hostname, but ensures the same file is served.

To simply redirect to /robots.txt and keep the requested hostname. eg. https://foo.example.com/robots-bar.txt redirects to https://foo.example.com/robots.txt (which will result in robots-foo.txt being served by the above rewrite). Then the redirect can be simplified to:

# Redirect direct requests to "robots-<subdomain>.txt" to "robots.txt" on same host
RewriteRule ^robots-[a-z]+\.txt$ /robots.txt [R=301,L]


RewriteEngine On

# Redirect direct requests to "robots-<subdomain>.txt" to "robots.txt" on <subdomain>
RewriteRule ^robots-([a-z]+)\.txt$ https://$1.example.com/robots.txt [R=301,L]

# Rewrite "robots.txt" to "robots-<subdomain>".txt
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(?!www)([a-z]+)\.example\.com
RewriteRule ^robots\.txt$ robots-%1.txt [L]

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