I have a large collection of Windows exe files which are being stored/distributed using Amazon S3. We use signed URLs to control access to the files and this works great except in one case when trying to download a .exe file using Internet Explorer (version 8). It works just fine in Firefox. It also works fine if you don't use a signed URL (but that is not an option).

What happens is that the IE downloader changes the name from 'myfile.exe' to 'myfile[1]' and Windows no longer recognizes it as an executable. Any advice would greatly be appreciated.


  • 1
    Did some searching and looks like IE has a bunch of issues with handling downloaded files. Kinda sad really.
    – John Conde
    Oct 22, 2010 at 19:57
  • Yeah, so far the best thing I have seen is to add a .removeme option to the end of the filename which I'd rather not do. Oct 22, 2010 at 20:49
  • Have you tried different Content-Type meta tags/file names that are unlikely to have been downloaded already?
    – Metalshark
    Nov 3, 2010 at 12:44
  • Was John's link helpful for you? Feb 14, 2011 at 19:49

1 Answer 1


Looks like someone found a solution for this problem. Apparently you need to send the proper content-type header.


In A3 Click on your .exe file choose Actions and bring up properties

Choose Metata Data

Add more metadata

Choose Key: Content-Disposition Value: attachment

then type this after attachment; filename=yourfilename.exe

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